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  Accelerated Web brings you reliable, speedy, and scalable web hosting solution at an affordable price. From highly customizable packages to featureful control panel, we have everything you need to build a successful website. We are helping thousands webmasters host their websites since 2000. Let us help you, too! We bring professional and old fashion business practice to the table. No matter how small or big your website is, we will help you host it. Pick a plan that fits your site best and sign up today! If for any reason you do not find our service superior, just cancel within 15 days from the activation date and we'll refund your money no questions asked!
  Virtual Hosting
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  Screaming Network
Fully redundant fiber optic network will make your website scream speed. Our servers are connected to over 5 Tier 1 diverse backbone providers for ultimate redundancy, as well as ability to power some of the biggest websites on the internet.
  Free Tech Support
Our staff is very experienced with various Internet technologies and will help you to resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.
  Tight Security
We are always in search of new technologies to make our hosting environment even more safer. The most recent addition is Anti-Theft/Anti-Hacking module which allows us to protect your websites against hacking attempts, stolen passwords and other related attacks.
  Web-based Control Panel
Our unique, custom designed, Control panel lets you configure virtually any feature that comes with your hosting package. It also includes a web-based file manager which allows you to create/edit/delete your files from anywhere in the world 24/7 using any browser.
  Turnkey Billing Solution
A totally outsourced payment processing solution from CCBill combined with our support team's expertize on the prerequisites makes your setup as easy as ever.
  Topnotch Hardware
We use the fastest unix servers and latest software to host your website. Dual Xeon with SAS SCSI harddrives running latest release of FreeBSD.
  15- Day Money Back Guarantee!
You have nothing to lose when you signup with us. If you are not satisfied with our service, just cancel within 15 days and we will refund your money.

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