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Frequently Ask Questions

Account/Sub-account/Sub-domain settings

  1. Where do I upload files for a sub-account?
  2. How can I enable FrontPage extensions for a sub-account?
  3. Where are the log files for my main account & sub-accounts?
  4. What's the full path to a sub-account's cgi-bin folder ?
  5. How do I check stats for the sub-accounts ?
  6. How do I check disk space used by a sub-account?
  7. How do I use secure server ?
  8. How do I enable/use CGI under unlimited subdomains ?

Where do I upload files for a sub-account?

Here is a directory structure that all sub-accounts follow
docs folder -> /web1/users/your_user_name/sites/
cgi-bin folder -> /web1/users/your_user_name/sites/

For username u101 and domain name
docs folder -> /web1/users/u101/sites/
cgi-bin folder -> /web1/users/u101/sites/

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How can I enable FrontPage extensions for a sub-account?

To enable Frontpage Extensions for already existing sub-acccount
( you can also enable Frontpage Extensions during sub-account setup,
refer to How do I create a sub-account ? )

From the control-panel ( )
1. click on the Sub-Accounts link on the left side.
2. click on List Sub-accounts link
3. click on "Modify" button next to the domain for which you want to
enable Frontpage Extensions
4. Click on Yes radio button
5. Click on "Modify Sub-account" button

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Where are the log files for my main account & sub-accounts?

Your log files located in /web1/users/yourusername/logs/
*replace yourusername in the path above with your actual username.
In /web1/users/yourusername/logs/ you'll find files with .log and .err
extensions. Log files with .log extension contain access information &
log files with .err extension contain error info.
These are raw log files, and once they are analyzed they are truncated so
there is no reason for you to empty these files yourself. ( the permissions
wouldn't allow you do it anyway )

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What's the full path to a sub-account's cgi-bin folder ?

If your username is u904 and the sub-account's domain name is
then the full path to a cig-bin folder would be

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How do I check stats for the sub-accounts ?

You check the stats for the sub-accounts the same way as for your main account.
Namely go to
Use your main account user/password to login.

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How do I check disk space used by a sub-account?

From the control-panel ( )
1. click on the Sub-Accounts link on the left side.
2. click on "Disk Space Usage" link on the left side

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How do I use secure server ?

Check whether you have /web1/users/yourusername/secure folder, if not
your hosting package doesn't come with secure server account so you
should request one. For the setup and a monthly fee refer to Add-ons section of our website.
Once we setup secure server account the settings would be as follows: 1. secure docs folder /web1/users/yourusername/secure/docs 2. cgi-bin folder /web1/uses/yourusername/secure/cgi-bin 3. URLs to the secure cgi-bin and docs differ depending on the server so contact our Tech Support to get that info.

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How do I enable/use CGI under unlimited subdomains ?

Create cgi-bin folder inside the subdomain's folder
Ex. cgi-bin folder for subdomain
with username u101
that folder is automatically mapped to
Ex. URL to access in /web1/users/u101/docs/subdomain/mysubdomain/cgi-bin/
will be
Make sure you chmod to 755.

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