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Password/Hot-linking/Bandwidth/AVS/AntiTheft Protections

  1. How do I password protect my directories?
  2. How do I protect a member area for use with AVS services ?
  3. How does a bandwidth protection work?
  4. What's an Anti(Theft/Hack) protection ?
  5. How do I deny access to my website based on IP address(s) or host(s) ?

How do I password protect my directories?

From your control panel :

  • Go to Site Protection
  • Check "Protect New Directory", click Proceed
  • Choose a directory from the drop down menu which you'd like to protect (drop down menu shows only directories that have been previously created ), enter Title which will appear on the authentication box, click "Setup Password Protection"
  • From the list choose the directory that you just protected, check "Add/Delete/Modify Users",click Proceed
  • Click Add New User
  • Enter the username and the password, click "Add User"
  • Now when you go to that directory on the browser you'll be asked to enter a username and a password

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    How do I protect a member area for use with AVS services ?

    The idea here is to make sure that visitors have no other
    way to access your member area other than going through
    AVS site and entering their id.
    To accomplish this create .htaccess (there is a dot at the beginning of .htaccess ) file which
    contains following ( make sure you change yourdomain and avsdomain to their correct values )

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://([a-z0-9-]+\.)* [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://([a-z0-9-]+\.)* [NC]
    RewriteRule /* [R,L]

    Upload this file into your members area.

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    How does a bandwidth protection work?

    Lets say there are two sites : and

    And got images on
    his pages which are actually linked to the images

    So when somebody goes to
    images get serve by web server -- you pay for the
    bandwidth which got generated by the visitors

    The way we stop this bandwidth theft is
    by denying access to certain file types when
    a request comes from a different site than

    In other words if someone goes to a
    page on which has links
    similar to <img src=>
    then our web server knowing that the requests actually
    come from and not
    will refuse to serve these images.

    In technical terms we check HTTP_REFERER variable
    to make sure it matches your site.

    If you'd like bandwidth protection to be activated for your site
    please provide us with what file types should be denied. In other
    words we need to know file extensions of the files which you don't
    want other sites to link to.
    Ex. .gif, .jpeg,jpg,.rm, .avi,.mov
    Also we can make a specific folder bypass hot-linking protection
    so files placed in that folder can be hot-linked to.

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    What's an Anti(Theft/Hack) protection ?

    AntiTheft protects against someone trying to figure out the correct
    user/password combination to the password protected area of your
    website by brute force tactics. ( usually using software which tries
    different user/password combinations until it gets it right)
    It is activated by default for all the websites on our servers.

    It also protects against users distrubuting the correct user/password
    combinations to other users. It will delete/lock the user/password
    if it notices that it's being used from the different number of locations
    in the small period of time.
    You can activate this service via control-panel.

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    How do I deny access to my website based on IP address(s) or host(s) ?

    Create .htaccess file with the following directives

    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from <ip>

    To deny access to IP

    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from

    To specify an IP range:

    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from 168.192.0
    (this covers

    You can list multiple IPs

    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from

    You can also use host names

    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from

    Upload this .htaccess file into your home directory.( one folder up from the docs folder ), for username u101 it'll be /web1/users/u101/

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