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Frequently Ask Questions

SSI (Server Side Includes) Questions

  1. It appears that none of my SSI tags are being parsed by the server.
  2. How can I include contents of a text file into HTML pages?
  3. How can I include output of a CGI into HTML pages?
  4. How can I include current date into HTML pages?

It appears that none of my SSI tags are being parsed by the server.

Due to performance considerations, our web servers are configured to parse SSI tags in files which end in .shtm or .shtml Therefore, to enable SSI tag parsing, you need to use either .shtm or .shtml file extension.

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How can I include contents of a text file into HTML pages?

The following tag will include menubar.htm file located in <!--#include virtual="/menubar.htm">

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How can I include output of a CGI into HTML pages?

The following tag will include output from counter.cgi CGI located in <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi">

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How can I include current date into HTML pages?

The following tag will include current date: <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL"-->

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